9/10/11 SETTEMBRE 2024 International course of Audiological and Vestibular Medicine “Gianni Modugno” I Edition 2024

  Id evento 106-5901/1 Data inizio 9-10-11 Settembre 2024 Dalle ore … alle ore ORE FORMATIVE NR.30 DI


Id evento 106-5901/1
Data inizio 9-10-11 Settembre 2024
Dalle ore … alle ore ORE FORMATIVE NR.30 DI CUI 17 INTERATTIVE e 13 TEORIA
Sede Area Congressuale Maria SS. Delle Grazie

AZIENDA OSPEDALIERA San Pio di Benevento, Via Pacevecchia, 53, 82100 Benevento BN

Edizione 1
Quota di iscrizione 450+iva
N° Partecipanti 35
Obiettivi formativi e area


Obiettivo formativo: 3 – Documentazione clinica. Percorsi clinico-assistenziali diagnostici e riabilitativi, profili di assistenza – profili di cura


Numero crediti 35.1
Docente sostituto I Docenti che per problematiche sopraggiunte non possano relazionare saranno sostituiti dal Responsabile Scientifico o dai Docenti, da questo individuati, in grado di sostenere le tematiche attinenti alle relazioni.
Responsabile Scientifico LUIGI CALIFANO
Conflitto di interesse resp. scientifico OK





Monday,  9th  September

08.00 Registration of attendees

08.15   Greetings from the Management

Dr Maria Morgante – Dr Roberto Alfano – Dr Daniela Capone

08.30  Opening remarks and Briefing with Lecturers and Attendees                      Luigi Califano

First Session

Chairman                                                                                                               Djamal Boukhchem

9.00-9.30   Anatomy and physiology of the peripheral vestibular receptors

Vito Enrico Pettorossi

9.30-10.00  Psychological features in the medical relationship with the patient with balance disorders   Maria Luisa Califano

Vestibular examination

10.00- 10.30 Vestibular bed-side examination                                                         Luigi Califano

10.30-11.00   Caloric tests                                                                                        Dusan Pavlovic

11.00-11.30   Video Head Impulse Test                                                             Vincenzo Marcelli

11.30-12.00  Imaging in Otoneurology                                                                    Dusan Pavlovic

Vertiginous syndromes in their clinical aspects

12.00-12.30   Acute unilateral vestibular loss                                                               Daniele Nuti

12.30-13.00 Menière disease and Vestibular Migraine                                           Giampiero Neri

13.00-13.30 Discussion on the topics covered


13.30 Light lunch


Second Session

Vertiginous syndromes in their clinical aspects

Chairman                                                                                                               Djamal Boukhchem

14.00-14.45   BPPV                                                                                                         Luigi Califano

14.45-15.15  Vertigo in childhood                                                                            Gorkem Ertugrul

15.15-15.45   Chronic Bilateral vestibulopathy                                                       Angela Reis Rego

15.45-16.15    Vestibular rehab: when, why and how                                            Leonardo Manzari

16.15-16.45    Vestibular rehab: hands-on                                                                         Alain Thiry

 The cochlea

16.45-17.15    Sensory and vascular damage in the cochlea: from basic research to clinical   aspects  Anna Rita Fetoni

17.15-17.45 Sudden deafness                                                                                Salvatore Mazzone

17.45-18.15  Early diagnosis of neonatal hearing loss                                             Anna Rita Fetoni

18.15-18.45        Discussion on the topics covered

18.45-19.00        Debriefing


20.30           Dinner


Tuesday,  10th September

8.15 Briefing

08.30-09.00  Vestibular migraine (online lecture)                                        Vishal Pawar

9.00- 13.30 Clinical activity on live pre-recorded cases

Topics: Bed-side examination; BPPV

Tutors: Luigi Califano, Salvatore Mazzone

13.30 Light Lunch


14.30-15.00 Central vertigo (on-line lecture)                                               Dario A. Yacovino

15.00-19.00 Clinical activity on live pre-recorded cases

Topics: Unilateral vestibular loss; VIII cranial nerve schwannoma; Central vertigo

Tutors: Luigi Califano, Maria Grazia Melillo, Salvatore Mazzone

19.00 -19.30 Debriefing


20.30       Dinner

Wednesday,  11th September

8.15  Briefing

8.30-09.00   The Pupillar Hyppus (online lecture)                                                   Mauro Gufoni

09.00- 13.30 Clinical activity on live pre-recorded cases

Topics: Newborn hearing screenings; Vertigo in children/adolescents. Practical training in Neurophysiology of auditory and vestibular pathway.

Tutors: Luigi Califano, Salvatore Mazzone

13.30 Light Lunch

14.00 – 14.30 VHIT: do the differences between the systems matter? Pros and cons Alfarghal Mohamad


14.30-18.30     Clinical activity on live pre-recorded cases

Topics: In-depth study of the cases observed. Stimulus for discussion: are there sometimes different possible interpretations of every case we observed?  

Tutors: Luigi Califano, Salvatore Mazzone

18.30 Debriefing

18.45 Compilation of CME questionnaires and closure of the Course